Hey you guys! Yes, that includes you. Oh, I know you got here by accident when you pressed on the button that allows you to blog surf or like after you clicked on the hyperlink thinking that this is where 'the man with the hang that bangs' Emmanuel will take on 'the exotic oriental beauty with the name that seems to invite you into her booty' Chipapi when you googled for Ass-ian InvAsian 12, but well, yeah, the hey you part, does include you too.
So anyways, there has been a mishap within the band (someone broke a boner), but that does not mean we're gonna slow down! We're all pumped up and just raring to go to introduce to you guys our latest, unreleased, unrehearsed and untitled new songs. It's gonna be wild. It's gonna be hardcore. It's gonna be softcore. It's gonna be post-post-pre-post modern. It's gonna be ArPee like you've never heard them before these past few months back! So watch out!
And remember, if you've been panging to like watch ArPee live and watch Ihsan like go crazy on the guitars and kazoos or like listen to Louis' new high-hat solo or like say job right after Mistral says blow or like watch Evelyn strike a pose and belt out some new songs and like try to keep her composure while Ari tries to grab the microphone and say random stuff which nobody really ever finds interesting and like ends up being the butt of his own jokes which is really ok cause he really does look like his own butt which is really ok cause you haven't really seen his butt unless you've watched the movie that had an old man like puke all over himself and call it the Fourth of July fireworks display and have his pet turtle bathe in it, don't be shy about asking your favourite local gig organizers to book us. Well, ok. Be shy about it. But buy them a drink first. It might soften them up a little bit.
Oh yeah, we had to like kick Jon outta the band cause of like musical differences. I mean the fact that he only wanted to play the E's and A's on the G-string for every song, really said something about a guy who got the job in the first place based on the distinction he got for music in his Sec 2 education in Jalan Ramai-Ramai Secondary School. It was truly unfortunate that our trust and belief in his talents were misplaced.We are now placing our hopes on Ari who has thus far impressed us with his uncanny ability to play 'Do-Re-Mi" without breaking into a song and dance on his Samsung mobile phone.